Medeni mjesec (1983)

Medeni mjesec (1983)
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Film Medeni mjesec by director Nikola Babić with writer Nikola Babić.

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Starring in Medeni mjesec from 1983 is Nada Abruš, Biserka Ipša and Slobodan Milovanović, among others.


  • Title: Medeni mjesec
  • Year: 1983
  • Duration: 114 minutes (1h 54m)

Medeni mjesec Crew

The main crew of Medeni mjesec consists of:

Medeni mjesec Cast

The main cast of Medeni mjesec consists of Nada Abruš as Gracija Šipek, Biserka Ipša as Vanda and Slobodan Milovanović as Marko Bilogora.

List of All Cast in Medeni mjesec

The entire cast of Medeni mjesec is listed below, in alphabetical order.

Biserka IpšaVanda
Elizabeta KukićKonobarica
Fabijan ŠovagovićČika Sima
Ilija IvezićNikola, šef policije
Ksenia ProhaskaMarina
Nada AbrušGracija Šipek
Otokar LevajMile Razjap
Pavle VuisićDrug Laza
Slobodan MilovanovićMarko Bilogora
Tošo JelićTošo, grbavac
Vida Jerman
Vlasta Ramljak
Zvonko LepetićDžek
​Ljubiša SamardžićRajko

Medeni mjesec can be purchased from Amazon or eBay.