Beobchangeul ullin oki (1966)

Film Beobchangeul ullin oki by director Im Kwon-taek with cinematographer Kim Yeon-uk, writer Lee Jong-taek and editor Kim Hui-su.

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Starring in Beobchangeul ullin oki from 1966 is Choi Mu-ryong, Ju Jeung-nyeo and Kim Wun-ha, among others.


  • Title: Beobchangeul ullin oki
  • Year: 1966

Beobchangeul ullin oki Crew

The main crew of Beobchangeul ullin oki consists of:

Beobchangeul ullin oki Cast

The main cast of Beobchangeul ullin oki consists of Choi Mu-ryong, Ju Jeung-nyeo as Mrs. Gong and Kim Wun-ha as Kim Cheol-ho.

List of All Cast in Beobchangeul ullin oki

The entire cast of Beobchangeul ullin oki is listed below, in alphabetical order.

Choi Mu-ryong
Choi Nam-hyunJudge
Jeong Ae-ranMrs. Gab-bun
Ju Jeung-nyeoMrs. Gong
Kim Seok-hunPark Dal-won
Kim Wun-haKim Cheol-ho
Kwang Ho LeeJae-won
Lee Sang-saMr. Lee

Beobchangeul ullin oki can be purchased from Amazon or eBay.