Cheng feng po lang (1957)

Film Cheng feng po lang with cinematographer Shengwei Li.

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Starring in Cheng feng po lang from 1957 is Zhi Cheng and Zhong Shuhuang, among others.


  • Title: Cheng feng po lang
  • Year: 1957
  • Duration: 110 minutes (1h 50m)

Cheng feng po lang Crew

The main crew of Cheng feng po lang consists of:

Cheng feng po lang Cast

The main cast of Cheng feng po lang consists of Zhi Cheng as Doctor Niu and Zhong Shuhuang as Jun Ma.

List of All Cast in Cheng feng po lang

The entire cast of Cheng feng po lang is listed below, in alphabetical order.

Jiufeng ShiSecond assistant Xu
Zhi ChengDoctor Niu
Zhong ShuhuangJun Ma

Cheng feng po lang can be purchased from Amazon or eBay.