Polizeiakte 909 (1933)

Film Polizeiakte 909 by director Robert Wiene with cinematographer Heinrich Gärtner and writers Melchior Lengyel and Robert Wiene.

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Starring in Polizeiakte 909 from 1933 is Viktor de Kowa, Liane Haid and Veit Harlan, among others.


  • Title: Polizeiakte 909
  • Year: 1933
  • Duration: 81 minutes (1h 21m)

Polizeiakte 909 Crew

The main crew of Polizeiakte 909 consists of:

Polizeiakte 909 Cast

The main cast of Polizeiakte 909 consists of Viktor de Kowa as Charles Renard-Brinski, Liane Haid as Helene Laroche and Veit Harlan as Inose Hironari.

List of All Cast in Polizeiakte 909

The entire cast of Polizeiakte 909 is listed below, in alphabetical order.

Arthur BergenYoshikawa
Arthur Reinhardt
Bernhard GoetzkeStaatsanwalt
Franz Klebusch
Friedrich Ettel
Josef DahmenWerkdetektiv
Liane HaidHelene Laroche
Paul HenckelsVerteidiger
Paul MederowVorsitzender
Valéry InkijinoffDr. Nitobe Tokeramo
Veit HarlanInose Hironari
Viktor de KowaCharles Renard-Brinski

Polizeiakte 909 can be purchased from Amazon or eBay.