Color Palette of The Prestige (2006), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#A28178 | 162 129 120 | 12.86 25.93 63.53 | 12.86 18.42 55.29 | |
#C8A77A | 200 167 122 | 34.62 39 78.43 | 34.62 41.49 63.14 | |
#8E6D4A | 142 109 74 | 30.88 47.89 55.69 | 30.88 31.48 42.35 | |
#614F3B | 97 79 59 | 31.58 39.18 38.04 | 31.58 24.36 30.59 | |
#402917 | 64 41 23 | 26.34 64.06 25.1 | 26.34 47.13 17.06 | |
#201D14 | 32 29 20 | 45 37.5 12.55 | 45 23.08 10.2 | |
#EFEDBA | 239 237 186 | 57.74 22.18 93.73 | 57.74 62.35 83.33 | |
#220F11 | 34 15 17 | 353.68 55.88 13.33 | 353.68 38.78 9.61 |
- Title: The Prestige
- Year: 2006
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Prestige.