B&W 802 D3 vs Harbeth M40.2 40th Anniversary Edition

Compare specifications and details of B&W 802 D3 and Harbeth M40.2 40th Anniversary Edition.

Comparison: B&W 802 D3 and Harbeth M40.2 40th Anniversary Edition

Below you can compare all the available specifications of B&W 802 D3 and Harbeth M40.2 40th Anniversary Edition, in order to figure out which one suits you best.

B&W 802 D3Harbeth M40.2 40th Anniversary Edition
BrandBowers & WilkinsHarbeth
Speaker Sensitivity90 dB-
Speaker Nominal Impedance8 Ω-
Speaker Active or PassivePassivePassive
Speaker TypeFloorBookshelf
Speaker Connection TypeBi-Wire-
StoresAmazon, eBay, AdoramaAmazon, eBay, Adorama