Kinefinity Mavo LF vs RED Epic-W Gemini

Compare specifications and details of Kinefinity Mavo LF and RED Epic-W Gemini.

Comparison: Kinefinity Mavo LF and RED Epic-W Gemini

Below you can compare all the available specifications of Kinefinity Mavo LF and RED Epic-W Gemini, in order to figure out which one suits you best.

Kinefinity Mavo LFRED Epic-W Gemini
BrandKinefinityRED Digital Cinema
Video Color Depth bit-
Dynamic Range14 stops-
Output Formats
  • ProRes 4444 XQ
  • ProRes 422 HQ
  • CinemaDNG
  • ProRes 4444
  • Kinefinity KineRAW 2
Shutter TypeRolling Shutter-
StoresAmazon, eBay, AdoramaAmazon, eBay, Adorama