Kinefinity Mavo LF vs RED Scarlet

Compare specifications and details of Kinefinity Mavo LF and RED Scarlet.

Comparison: Kinefinity Mavo LF and RED Scarlet

Below you can compare all the available specifications of Kinefinity Mavo LF and RED Scarlet, in order to figure out which one suits you best.

Kinefinity Mavo LFRED Scarlet
BrandKinefinityRED Digital Cinema
Sensor TypeCMOS-
Video Color Depth bit-
Dynamic Range14 stops-
Video Output Formats
  • ProRes 4444 XQ
  • ProRes 422 HQ
  • CinemaDNG
  • ProRes 4444
  • Kinefinity KineRAW 2
Shutter TypeRolling Shutter-
Sensor Read-out Speed-14 ms
StoresAmazon, eBay, AdoramaAmazon, eBay, Adorama