Panavision ATZ (Anamorphic Tele Zoom) vs Zeiss Ultra Prime 12mm T2

Compare specifications and details of Panavision ATZ (Anamorphic Tele Zoom) and Zeiss Ultra Prime 12mm T2.

Comparison: Panavision ATZ (Anamorphic Tele Zoom) and Zeiss Ultra Prime 12mm T2

Below you can compare all the available specifications of Panavision ATZ (Anamorphic Tele Zoom) and Zeiss Ultra Prime 12mm T2, in order to figure out which one suits you best.

Panavision ATZ (Anamorphic Tele Zoom)Zeiss Ultra Prime 12mm T2
Weight5.8 kg-
Focal Length70 - 200 mm12 mm
Largest Aperture3.52
Anamorphic Squeeze2x-
Minimum Focus Distance175.3 cm-
StoresAmazon, eBay, AdoramaAmazon, eBay, Adorama