Schneider Radiant Soft 1/2 4x5.65" vs Schneider Radiant Soft 3 6.6x6.6"

Compare specifications and details of Schneider Radiant Soft 1/2 4x5.65" and Schneider Radiant Soft 3 6.6x6.6".

Comparison: Schneider Radiant Soft 1/2 4x5.65" and Schneider Radiant Soft 3 6.6x6.6"

Below you can compare all the available specifications of Schneider Radiant Soft 1/2 4x5.65" and Schneider Radiant Soft 3 6.6x6.6", in order to figure out which one suits you best.

Schneider Radiant Soft 1/2 4x5.65"Schneider Radiant Soft 3 6.6x6.6"
BrandSchneider OpticsSchneider Optics
AttachmentFilter TrayFilter Tray
Tray Size4" x 5.65“6.6" x 6.6"
StoresAmazon, eBay, AdoramaAmazon, eBay, Adorama