Sony PDW-F350 vs Sony FX6

Compare specifications and details of Sony PDW-F350 and Sony FX6.

Comparison: Sony PDW-F350 and Sony FX6

Below you can compare all the available specifications of Sony PDW-F350 and Sony FX6, in order to figure out which one suits you best.

Sony PDW-F350Sony FX6
Weight-890 g
Sensor Type-CMOS
Video Color Depth-10 bit
Camera Dynamic Range-11.4 stops
Lens Mount-Sony E
Shutter Type-Rolling Shutter
Storage Type-SD UHS-II
Has Wi-Fi Connection-
Digital or analogAnalogDigital
Maximum Resolution (Video)-3840x2160 (4K Ultra HD)
Sensor Read-out Speed-8.7 ms
Internal Raw Video Recording-
Sensor Size (mm)-35.7 - 18.8 mm
Image Stabilization-
Has Internal ND Filter-
Autofocus Method-Phase Detection Autofocus
Camera Sensor Format-Full Frame
External Raw Video Recording-
StoresAmazon, eBay, AdoramaAmazon, eBay, Adorama