Color Palette of Unbroken (2014), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#6D5624 | 109 86 36 | 41.1 66.97 42.75 | 41.1 50.34 28.43 | |
#3C2A1C | 60 42 28 | 26.25 53.33 23.53 | 26.25 36.36 17.25 | |
#B2B19F | 178 177 159 | 56.84 10.67 69.8 | 56.84 10.98 66.08 | |
#807756 | 128 119 86 | 47.14 32.81 50.2 | 47.14 19.63 41.96 | |
#595B46 | 89 91 70 | 65.71 23.08 35.69 | 65.71 13.04 31.57 | |
#212517 | 33 37 23 | 77.14 37.84 14.51 | 77.14 23.33 11.76 | |
#78938C | 120 147 140 | 164.44 18.37 57.65 | 164.44 11.11 52.35 | |
#0B5C53 | 11 92 83 | 173.33 88.04 36.08 | 173.33 78.64 20.2 |
- Title: Unbroken
- Year: 2014
- Director: Angelina Jolie
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Unbroken.