Color Palette of Dark (2017), filmed by Nikolaus Summerer.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#06181C | 6 24 28 | 190.91 78.57 10.98 | 190.91 64.71 6.67 | |
#9BAFC7 | 155 175 199 | 212.73 22.11 78.04 | 212.73 28.21 69.41 | |
#718699 | 113 134 153 | 208.5 26.14 60 | 208.5 16.39 52.16 | |
#4D6977 | 77 105 119 | 200 35.29 46.67 | 200 21.43 38.43 | |
#274550 | 39 69 80 | 196.1 51.25 31.37 | 196.1 34.45 23.33 | |
#4D4D55 | 77 77 85 | 240 9.41 33.33 | 240 4.94 31.76 | |
#7B7382 | 123 115 130 | 272 11.54 50.98 | 272 6.12 48.04 | |
#291F27 | 41 31 39 | 312 24.39 16.08 | 312 13.89 14.12 |
- Title: Dark
- Year: 2017
- Director: Baran bo Odar
- Cinematographer: Nikolaus Summerer
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Dark.