Color Palette of Dark (2017), filmed by Nikolaus Summerer.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#FEFFED | 254 255 237 | 63.33 7.06 100 | 63.33 100 96.47 | |
#879796 | 135 151 150 | 176.25 10.6 59.22 | 176.25 7.14 56.08 | |
#455867 | 69 88 103 | 206.47 33.01 40.39 | 206.47 19.77 33.73 | |
#14303C | 20 48 60 | 198 66.67 23.53 | 198 50 15.69 | |
#32303B | 50 48 59 | 250.91 18.64 23.14 | 250.91 10.28 20.98 | |
#03060B | 3 6 11 | 217.5 72.73 4.31 | 217.5 57.14 2.75 | |
#655A6B | 101 90 107 | 278.82 15.89 41.96 | 278.82 8.63 38.63 | |
#8C7F89 | 140 127 137 | 313.85 9.29 54.9 | 313.85 5.35 52.35 |
- Title: Dark
- Year: 2017
- Director: Baran bo Odar
- Cinematographer: Nikolaus Summerer
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Dark.