Color Palette of Babel (2006), filmed by Rodrigo Prieto.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#D0BAA2 | 208 186 162 | 31.3 22.12 81.57 | 31.3 32.86 72.55 | |
#947A69 | 148 122 105 | 23.72 29.05 58.04 | 23.72 17 49.61 | |
#45423B | 69 66 59 | 42 14.49 27.06 | 42 7.81 25.1 | |
#2B1E16 | 43 30 22 | 22.86 48.84 16.86 | 22.86 32.31 12.75 | |
#989582 | 152 149 130 | 51.82 14.47 59.61 | 51.82 9.65 55.29 | |
#747266 | 116 114 102 | 51.43 12.07 45.49 | 51.43 6.42 42.75 | |
#22303D | 34 48 61 | 208.89 44.26 23.92 | 208.89 28.42 18.63 | |
#905662 | 144 86 98 | 347.59 40.28 56.47 | 347.59 25.22 45.1 |
- Title: Babel
- Year: 2006
- Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- Cinematographer: Rodrigo Prieto
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Babel.