Color Palette of Babel (2006), filmed by Rodrigo Prieto.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#8E745D | 142 116 93 | 28.16 34.51 55.69 | 28.16 20.85 46.08 | |
#59483E | 89 72 62 | 22.22 30.34 34.9 | 22.22 17.88 29.61 | |
#2E2111 | 46 33 17 | 33.1 63.04 18.04 | 33.1 46.03 12.35 | |
#151B11 | 21 27 17 | 96 37.04 10.59 | 96 22.73 8.63 | |
#33373A | 51 55 58 | 205.71 12.07 22.75 | 205.71 6.42 21.37 | |
#020410 | 2 4 16 | 231.43 87.5 6.27 | 231.43 77.78 3.53 | |
#918587 | 145 133 135 | 350 8.28 56.86 | 350 5.17 54.51 | |
#280F12 | 40 15 18 | 352.8 62.5 15.69 | 352.8 45.45 10.78 |
- Title: Babel
- Year: 2006
- Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- Cinematographer: Rodrigo Prieto
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Babel.