Color Palette of Dunkirk (2017), filmed by Hoyte van Hoytema.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#2F2524 | 47 37 36 | 5.45 23.4 18.43 | 5.45 13.25 16.27 | |
#9B8C77 | 155 140 119 | 35 23.23 60.78 | 35 15.25 53.73 | |
#866B5A | 134 107 90 | 23.18 32.84 52.55 | 23.18 19.64 43.92 | |
#C6D1B1 | 198 209 177 | 80.63 15.31 81.96 | 80.63 25.81 75.69 | |
#5E8E80 | 94 142 128 | 162.5 33.8 55.69 | 162.5 20.34 46.27 | |
#4D6B69 | 77 107 105 | 176 28.04 41.96 | 176 16.3 36.08 | |
#0F191B | 15 25 27 | 190 44.44 10.59 | 190 28.57 8.24 | |
#35464E | 53 70 78 | 199.2 32.05 30.59 | 199.2 19.08 25.69 |
- Title: Dunkirk
- Year: 2017
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Hoyte van Hoytema
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Dunkirk.