Color Palette of Babel (2006), filmed by Rodrigo Prieto.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#B39E89 | 179 158 137 | 30 23.46 70.2 | 30 21.65 61.96 | |
#8C786D | 140 120 109 | 21.29 22.14 54.9 | 21.29 12.45 48.82 | |
#883B1D | 136 59 29 | 16.82 78.68 53.33 | 16.82 64.85 32.35 | |
#634D40 | 99 77 64 | 22.29 35.35 38.82 | 22.29 21.47 31.96 | |
#512411 | 81 36 17 | 17.81 79.01 31.76 | 17.81 65.31 19.22 | |
#373026 | 55 48 38 | 35.29 30.91 21.57 | 35.29 18.28 18.24 | |
#210E07 | 33 14 7 | 16.15 78.79 12.94 | 16.15 65 7.84 | |
#020913 | 2 9 19 | 215.29 89.47 7.45 | 215.29 80.95 4.12 |
- Title: Babel
- Year: 2006
- Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- Cinematographer: Rodrigo Prieto
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Babel.