Color Palette of Babel (2006), filmed by Rodrigo Prieto.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#A0857A | 160 133 122 | 17.37 23.75 62.75 | 17.37 16.67 55.29 | |
#836356 | 131 99 86 | 17.33 34.35 51.37 | 17.33 20.74 42.55 | |
#503429 | 80 52 41 | 16.92 48.75 31.37 | 16.92 32.23 23.73 | |
#220E07 | 34 14 7 | 15.56 79.41 13.33 | 15.56 65.85 8.04 | |
#252317 | 37 35 23 | 51.43 37.84 14.51 | 51.43 23.33 11.76 | |
#01010D | 1 1 13 | 240 92.31 5.1 | 240 85.71 2.75 |
- Title: Babel
- Year: 2006
- Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- Cinematographer: Rodrigo Prieto
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Babel.