Color Palette of Dunkirk (2017), filmed by Hoyte van Hoytema.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#553D25 | 85 61 37 | 30 56.47 33.33 | 30 39.34 23.92 | |
#85795F | 133 121 95 | 41.05 28.57 52.16 | 41.05 16.67 44.71 | |
#B69167 | 182 145 103 | 31.9 43.41 71.37 | 31.9 35.11 55.88 | |
#EBE2C1 | 235 226 193 | 47.14 17.87 92.16 | 47.14 51.22 83.92 | |
#E8BE94 | 232 190 148 | 30 36.21 90.98 | 30 64.62 74.51 | |
#485B55 | 72 91 85 | 161.05 20.88 35.69 | 161.05 11.66 31.96 | |
#173631 | 23 54 49 | 170.32 57.41 21.18 | 170.32 40.26 15.1 | |
#0A191E | 10 25 30 | 195 66.67 11.76 | 195 50 7.84 |
- Title: Dunkirk
- Year: 2017
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Hoyte van Hoytema
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Dunkirk.