Color Palette of Dunkirk (2017), filmed by Hoyte van Hoytema.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#E5AF4B | 229 175 75 | 38.96 67.25 89.8 | 38.96 74.76 59.61 | |
#D7893E | 215 137 62 | 29.41 71.16 84.31 | 29.41 65.67 54.31 | |
#B86436 | 184 100 54 | 21.23 70.65 72.16 | 21.23 54.62 46.67 | |
#65412B | 101 65 43 | 22.76 57.43 39.61 | 22.76 40.28 28.24 | |
#F3DB83 | 243 219 131 | 47.14 46.09 95.29 | 47.14 82.35 73.33 | |
#AAAD98 | 170 173 152 | 68.57 12.14 67.84 | 68.57 11.35 63.73 | |
#38382C | 56 56 44 | 60 21.43 21.96 | 60 12 19.61 | |
#091815 | 9 24 21 | 168 62.5 9.41 | 168 45.45 6.47 |
- Title: Dunkirk
- Year: 2017
- Director: Sir Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Hoyte van Hoytema
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Dunkirk.