Color Palette of Babel (2006), filmed by Rodrigo Prieto.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#7C6D66 | 124 109 102 | 19.09 17.74 48.63 | 19.09 9.73 44.31 | |
#5A4942 | 90 73 66 | 17.5 26.67 35.29 | 17.5 15.38 30.59 | |
#372116 | 55 33 22 | 20 60 21.57 | 20 42.86 15.1 | |
#0B0801 | 11 8 1 | 42 90.91 4.31 | 42 83.33 2.35 | |
#B3B296 | 179 178 150 | 57.93 16.2 70.2 | 57.93 16.02 64.51 | |
#8E8A64 | 142 138 100 | 54.29 29.58 55.69 | 54.29 17.36 47.45 | |
#5D5936 | 93 89 54 | 53.85 41.94 36.47 | 53.85 26.53 28.82 | |
#282407 | 40 36 7 | 52.73 82.5 15.69 | 52.73 70.21 9.22 |
- Title: Babel
- Year: 2006
- Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- Cinematographer: Rodrigo Prieto
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Babel.