Color Palette of Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), filmed by Bruno Delbonnel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#4C402A | 76 64 42 | 38.82 44.74 29.8 | 38.82 28.81 23.14 | |
#807057 | 128 112 87 | 36.59 32.03 50.2 | 36.59 19.07 42.16 | |
#929582 | 146 149 130 | 69.47 12.75 58.43 | 69.47 8.23 54.71 | |
#5C635C | 92 99 92 | 120 7.07 38.82 | 120 3.66 37.45 | |
#D3D9B3 | 211 217 179 | 69.47 17.51 85.1 | 69.47 33.33 77.65 | |
#393F3D | 57 63 61 | 160 9.52 24.71 | 160 5 23.53 | |
#13171A | 19 23 26 | 205.71 26.92 10.2 | 205.71 15.56 8.82 |
- Title: Inside Llewyn Davis
- Year: 2013
- Director: Joel CoenEthan Coen
- Cinematographer: Bruno Delbonnel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Inside Llewyn Davis.