Color Palette of Blue Ruin (2014), filmed by Jeremy Saulnier.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#4F2121 | 79 33 33 | 0 58.23 30.98 | 0 41.07 21.96 | |
#574134 | 87 65 52 | 22.29 40.23 34.12 | 22.29 25.18 27.25 | |
#9E9075 | 158 144 117 | 39.51 25.95 61.96 | 39.51 17.45 53.92 | |
#414628 | 65 70 40 | 70 42.86 27.45 | 70 27.27 21.57 | |
#B5B6A8 | 181 182 168 | 64.29 7.69 71.37 | 64.29 8.75 68.63 | |
#746E3A | 116 110 58 | 53.79 50 45.49 | 53.79 33.33 34.12 | |
#1A1F1B | 26 31 27 | 132 16.13 12.16 | 132 8.77 11.18 | |
#2E4148 | 46 65 72 | 196.15 36.11 28.24 | 196.15 22.03 23.14 |
- Title: Blue Ruin
- Year: 2014
- Director: Jeremy Saulnier
- Cinematographer: Jeremy Saulnier
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Blue Ruin.