Color Palette of Blue Ruin (2014), filmed by Jeremy Saulnier.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#647E59 | 100 126 89 | 102.16 29.37 49.41 | 102.16 17.21 42.16 | |
#984302 | 152 67 2 | 26 98.68 59.61 | 26 97.4 30.2 | |
#405D3F | 64 93 63 | 118 32.26 36.47 | 118 19.23 30.59 | |
#203725 | 32 55 37 | 133.04 41.82 21.57 | 133.04 26.44 17.06 | |
#626B02 | 98 107 2 | 65.14 98.13 41.96 | 65.14 96.33 21.37 | |
#929009 | 146 144 9 | 59.12 93.84 57.25 | 59.12 88.39 30.39 | |
#E4D20E | 228 210 14 | 54.95 93.86 89.41 | 54.95 88.43 47.45 | |
#041817 | 4 24 23 | 177 83.33 9.41 | 177 71.43 5.49 |
- Title: Blue Ruin
- Year: 2014
- Director: Jeremy Saulnier
- Cinematographer: Jeremy Saulnier
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Blue Ruin.