Color Palette of Blue Ruin (2014), filmed by Jeremy Saulnier.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#84786A | 132 120 106 | 32.31 19.7 51.76 | 32.31 10.92 46.67 | |
#918553 | 145 133 83 | 48.39 42.76 56.86 | 48.39 27.19 44.71 | |
#BCBFAC | 188 191 172 | 69.47 9.95 74.9 | 69.47 12.93 71.18 | |
#4F5D44 | 79 93 68 | 93.6 26.88 36.47 | 93.6 15.53 31.57 | |
#D8D294 | 216 210 148 | 54.71 31.48 84.71 | 54.71 46.58 71.37 | |
#213327 | 33 51 39 | 140 35.29 20 | 140 21.43 16.47 | |
#13181B | 19 24 27 | 202.5 29.63 10.59 | 202.5 17.39 9.02 | |
#7B95A2 | 123 149 162 | 200 24.07 63.53 | 200 17.33 55.88 |
- Title: Blue Ruin
- Year: 2014
- Director: Jeremy Saulnier
- Cinematographer: Jeremy Saulnier
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Blue Ruin.