Color Palette of Blue Ruin (2014), filmed by Jeremy Saulnier.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#90622E | 144 98 46 | 31.84 68.06 56.47 | 31.84 51.58 37.25 | |
#643718 | 100 55 24 | 24.47 76 39.22 | 24.47 61.29 24.31 | |
#342D1B | 52 45 27 | 43.2 48.08 20.39 | 43.2 31.65 15.49 | |
#2D1912 | 45 25 18 | 15.56 60 17.65 | 15.56 42.86 12.35 | |
#B0AF52 | 176 175 82 | 59.36 53.41 69.02 | 59.36 37.3 50.59 | |
#9B8844 | 155 136 68 | 46.9 56.13 60.78 | 46.9 39.01 43.73 | |
#65582B | 101 88 43 | 46.55 57.43 39.61 | 46.55 40.28 28.24 | |
#08090D | 8 9 13 | 228 38.46 5.1 | 228 23.81 4.12 |
- Title: Blue Ruin
- Year: 2014
- Director: Jeremy Saulnier
- Cinematographer: Jeremy Saulnier
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Blue Ruin.