Color Palette of Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), filmed by Bruno Delbonnel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#423129 | 66 49 41 | 19.2 37.88 25.88 | 19.2 23.36 20.98 | |
#1A1B16 | 26 27 22 | 72 18.52 10.59 | 72 10.2 9.61 | |
#585340 | 88 83 64 | 47.5 27.27 34.51 | 47.5 15.79 29.8 | |
#7E775B | 126 119 91 | 48 27.78 49.41 | 48 16.13 42.55 | |
#9F9C7D | 159 156 125 | 54.71 21.38 62.35 | 54.71 15.04 55.69 | |
#CECBA8 | 206 203 168 | 55.26 18.45 80.78 | 55.26 27.94 73.33 |
- Title: Inside Llewyn Davis
- Year: 2013
- Director: Joel CoenEthan Coen
- Cinematographer: Bruno Delbonnel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Inside Llewyn Davis.