Color Palette of Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), filmed by Bruno Delbonnel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#767269 | 118 114 105 | 41.54 11.02 46.27 | 41.54 5.83 43.73 | |
#604F48 | 96 79 72 | 17.5 25 37.65 | 17.5 14.29 32.94 | |
#362921 | 54 41 33 | 22.86 38.89 21.18 | 22.86 24.14 17.06 | |
#7C8D83 | 124 141 131 | 144.71 12.06 55.29 | 144.71 6.94 51.96 | |
#4E5955 | 78 89 85 | 158.18 12.36 34.9 | 158.18 6.59 32.75 | |
#252F2E | 37 47 46 | 174 21.28 18.43 | 174 11.9 16.47 | |
#070506 | 7 5 6 | 330 28.57 2.75 | 330 16.67 2.35 |
- Title: Inside Llewyn Davis
- Year: 2013
- Director: Joel CoenEthan Coen
- Cinematographer: Bruno Delbonnel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Inside Llewyn Davis.