Color Palette of Blue Ruin (2014), filmed by Jeremy Saulnier.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#62817B | 98 129 123 | 168.39 24.03 50.59 | 168.39 13.66 44.51 | |
#2E5552 | 46 85 82 | 175.38 45.88 33.33 | 175.38 29.77 25.69 | |
#090A0E | 9 10 14 | 228 35.71 5.49 | 228 21.74 4.51 | |
#6EA6A5 | 110 166 165 | 178.93 33.73 65.1 | 178.93 23.93 54.12 | |
#292E41 | 41 46 65 | 227.5 36.92 25.49 | 227.5 22.64 20.78 | |
#337488 | 51 116 136 | 194.12 62.5 53.33 | 194.12 45.45 36.67 | |
#0B384B | 11 56 75 | 197.81 85.33 29.41 | 197.81 74.42 16.86 | |
#524346 | 82 67 70 | 348 18.29 32.16 | 348 10.07 29.22 |
- Title: Blue Ruin
- Year: 2014
- Director: Jeremy Saulnier
- Cinematographer: Jeremy Saulnier
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Blue Ruin.