Color Palette of Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), filmed by Bruno Delbonnel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#2B1B0E | 43 27 14 | 26.9 67.44 16.86 | 26.9 50.88 11.18 | |
#3F381C | 63 56 28 | 48 55.56 24.71 | 48 38.46 17.84 | |
#766B3D | 118 107 61 | 48.42 48.31 46.27 | 48.42 31.84 35.1 | |
#A6A27C | 166 162 124 | 54.29 25.3 65.1 | 54.29 19.09 56.86 | |
#495746 | 73 87 70 | 109.41 19.54 34.12 | 109.41 10.83 30.78 | |
#77856C | 119 133 108 | 93.6 18.8 52.16 | 93.6 10.37 47.25 | |
#243128 | 36 49 40 | 138.46 26.53 19.22 | 138.46 15.29 16.67 | |
#050908 | 5 9 8 | 165 44.44 3.53 | 165 28.57 2.75 |
- Title: Inside Llewyn Davis
- Year: 2013
- Director: Joel CoenEthan Coen
- Cinematographer: Bruno Delbonnel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Inside Llewyn Davis.