Color Palette of Prisoners (2013), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#D1BFB1 | 209 191 177 | 26.25 15.31 81.96 | 26.25 25.81 75.69 | |
#AE997A | 174 153 122 | 35.77 29.89 68.24 | 35.77 24.3 58.04 | |
#887354 | 136 115 84 | 35.77 38.24 53.33 | 35.77 23.64 43.14 | |
#6A4F32 | 106 79 50 | 31.07 52.83 41.57 | 31.07 35.9 30.59 | |
#362416 | 54 36 22 | 26.25 59.26 21.18 | 26.25 42.11 14.9 | |
#0F0A07 | 15 10 7 | 22.5 53.33 5.88 | 22.5 36.36 4.31 | |
#535A64 | 83 90 100 | 215.29 17 39.22 | 215.29 9.29 35.88 | |
#33333B | 51 51 59 | 240 13.56 23.14 | 240 7.27 21.57 |
- Title: Prisoners
- Year: 2013
- Director: Denis Villeneuve
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Prisoners.