Color Palette of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), filmed by John Seale.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#FECCB3 | 254 204 179 | 20 29.53 99.61 | 20 97.4 84.9 | |
#DF956E | 223 149 110 | 20.71 50.67 87.45 | 20.71 63.84 65.29 | |
#B97039 | 185 112 57 | 25.78 69.19 72.55 | 25.78 52.89 47.45 | |
#896B51 | 137 107 81 | 27.86 40.88 53.73 | 27.86 25.69 42.75 | |
#964F1B | 150 79 27 | 25.37 82 58.82 | 25.37 69.49 34.71 | |
#564A30 | 86 74 48 | 41.05 44.19 33.73 | 41.05 28.36 26.27 | |
#613614 | 97 54 20 | 26.49 79.38 38.04 | 26.49 65.81 22.94 | |
#312111 | 49 33 17 | 30 65.31 19.22 | 30 48.48 12.94 |
- Title: Mad Max: Fury Road
- Year: 2015
- Director: George Miller
- Cinematographer: John Seale
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Mad Max: Fury Road.