Color Palette of Prisoners (2013), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#28140D | 40 20 13 | 15.56 67.5 15.69 | 15.56 50.94 10.39 | |
#476CA3 | 71 108 163 | 215.87 56.44 63.92 | 215.87 39.32 45.88 | |
#174988 | 23 73 136 | 213.45 83.09 53.33 | 213.45 71.07 31.18 | |
#071C55 | 7 28 85 | 223.85 91.76 33.33 | 223.85 84.78 18.04 | |
#15151D | 21 21 29 | 240 27.59 11.37 | 240 16 9.8 | |
#513C7F | 81 60 127 | 258.81 52.76 49.8 | 258.81 35.83 36.67 | |
#571248 | 87 18 72 | 313.04 79.31 34.12 | 313.04 65.71 20.59 | |
#783044 | 120 48 68 | 343.33 60 47.06 | 343.33 42.86 32.94 |
- Title: Prisoners
- Year: 2013
- Director: Denis Villeneuve
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Prisoners.