Color Palette of Prisoners (2013), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#724943 | 114 73 67 | 7.66 41.23 44.71 | 7.66 25.97 35.49 | |
#3D1A18 | 61 26 24 | 3.24 60.66 23.92 | 3.24 43.53 16.67 | |
#9A7764 | 154 119 100 | 21.11 35.06 60.39 | 21.11 21.26 49.8 | |
#645542 | 100 85 66 | 33.53 34 39.22 | 33.53 20.48 32.55 | |
#1D1512 | 29 21 18 | 16.36 37.93 11.37 | 16.36 23.4 9.22 | |
#6C727E | 108 114 126 | 220 14.29 49.41 | 220 7.69 45.88 | |
#24293C | 36 41 60 | 227.5 40 23.53 | 227.5 25 18.82 | |
#ABA9AE | 171 169 174 | 264 2.87 68.24 | 264 2.99 67.25 |
- Title: Prisoners
- Year: 2013
- Director: Denis Villeneuve
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Prisoners.