Color Palette of Atonement (2007), filmed by Seamus McGarvey.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#E5CB9A | 229 203 154 | 39.2 32.75 89.8 | 39.2 59.06 75.1 | |
#B2AB98 | 178 171 152 | 43.85 14.61 69.8 | 43.85 14.44 64.71 | |
#78959B | 120 149 155 | 190.29 22.58 60.78 | 190.29 14.89 53.92 | |
#41626B | 65 98 107 | 192.86 39.25 41.96 | 192.86 24.42 33.73 | |
#09302F | 9 48 47 | 178.46 81.25 18.82 | 178.46 68.42 11.18 | |
#687888 | 104 120 136 | 210 23.53 53.33 | 210 13.33 47.06 | |
#234666 | 35 70 102 | 208.66 65.69 40 | 208.66 48.91 26.86 | |
#0A1821 | 10 24 33 | 203.48 69.7 12.94 | 203.48 53.49 8.43 |
- Title: Atonement
- Year: 2007
- Director: Joe Wright
- Cinematographer: Seamus McGarvey
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Atonement.