Color Palette of Atonement (2007), filmed by Seamus McGarvey.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#312D22 | 49 45 34 | 44 30.61 19.22 | 44 18.07 16.27 | |
#9C9986 | 156 153 134 | 51.82 14.1 61.18 | 51.82 10 56.86 | |
#7A4F2D | 122 79 45 | 26.49 63.11 47.84 | 26.49 46.11 32.75 | |
#5F582E | 95 88 46 | 51.43 51.58 37.25 | 51.43 34.75 27.65 | |
#827B4F | 130 123 79 | 51.76 39.23 50.98 | 51.76 24.4 40.98 | |
#B28955 | 178 137 85 | 33.55 52.25 69.8 | 33.55 37.65 51.57 | |
#C4C6A1 | 196 198 161 | 63.24 18.69 77.65 | 63.24 24.5 70.39 | |
#BB5060 | 187 80 96 | 351.03 57.22 73.33 | 351.03 44.03 52.35 |
- Title: Atonement
- Year: 2007
- Director: Joe Wright
- Cinematographer: Seamus McGarvey
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Atonement.