Color Palette of Carol (2015), filmed by Edward Lachman.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#4D4532 | 77 69 50 | 42.22 35.06 30.2 | 42.22 21.26 24.9 | |
#79684E | 121 104 78 | 36.28 35.54 47.45 | 36.28 21.61 39.02 | |
#37220D | 55 34 13 | 30 76.36 21.57 | 30 61.76 13.33 | |
#75411A | 117 65 26 | 25.71 77.78 45.88 | 25.71 63.64 28.04 | |
#272E0D | 39 46 13 | 72.73 71.74 18.04 | 72.73 55.93 11.57 | |
#010005 | 1 0 5 | 252 100 1.96 | 252 100 0.98 | |
#6E1E45 | 110 30 69 | 330.75 72.73 43.14 | 330.75 57.14 27.45 | |
#220509 | 34 5 9 | 351.72 85.29 13.33 | 351.72 74.36 7.65 |
- Title: Carol
- Year: 2015
- Director: Todd Haynes
- Cinematographer: Edward Lachman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Carol.