Color Palette of Sicario (2015), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#372A1A | 55 42 26 | 33.1 52.73 21.57 | 33.1 35.8 15.88 | |
#616652 | 97 102 82 | 75 19.61 40 | 75 10.87 36.08 | |
#7F8770 | 127 135 112 | 80.87 17.04 52.94 | 80.87 9.31 48.43 | |
#38453E | 56 69 62 | 147.69 18.84 27.06 | 147.69 10.4 24.51 | |
#0D1313 | 13 19 19 | 180 31.58 7.45 | 180 18.75 6.27 |
- Title: Sicario
- Year: 2015
- Director: Denis Villeneuve
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Sicario.