Color Palette of Sicario (2015), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#96856B | 150 133 107 | 36.28 28.67 58.82 | 36.28 17 50.39 | |
#726656 | 114 102 86 | 34.29 24.56 44.71 | 34.29 14 39.22 | |
#686F75 | 104 111 117 | 207.69 11.11 45.88 | 207.69 5.88 43.33 | |
#395762 | 57 87 98 | 196.1 41.84 38.43 | 196.1 26.45 30.39 | |
#183348 | 24 51 72 | 206.25 66.67 28.24 | 206.25 50 18.82 | |
#080F17 | 8 15 23 | 212 65.22 9.02 | 212 48.39 6.08 | |
#444348 | 68 67 72 | 252 6.94 28.24 | 252 3.6 27.25 |
- Title: Sicario
- Year: 2015
- Director: Denis Villeneuve
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Sicario.