Color Palette of Sicario (2015), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#1D1309 | 29 19 9 | 30 68.97 11.37 | 30 52.63 7.45 | |
#685A33 | 104 90 51 | 44.15 50.96 40.78 | 44.15 34.19 30.39 | |
#373214 | 55 50 20 | 51.43 63.64 21.57 | 51.43 46.67 14.71 | |
#877E53 | 135 126 83 | 49.62 38.52 52.94 | 49.62 23.85 42.75 | |
#AFA37D | 175 163 125 | 45.6 28.57 68.63 | 45.6 23.81 58.82 | |
#442508 | 68 37 8 | 29 88.24 26.67 | 29 78.95 14.9 | |
#926722 | 146 103 34 | 36.96 76.71 57.25 | 36.96 62.22 35.29 | |
#6F4103 | 111 65 3 | 34.44 97.3 43.53 | 34.44 94.74 22.35 |
- Title: Sicario
- Year: 2015
- Director: Denis Villeneuve
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Sicario.