Color Palette of Sicario (2015), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#5D100A | 93 16 10 | 4.34 89.25 36.47 | 4.34 80.58 20.2 | |
#AC926D | 172 146 109 | 35.24 36.63 67.45 | 35.24 27.51 55.1 | |
#8A715B | 138 113 91 | 28.09 34.06 54.12 | 28.09 20.52 44.9 | |
#724C37 | 114 76 55 | 21.36 51.75 44.71 | 21.36 34.91 33.14 | |
#402E24 | 64 46 36 | 21.43 43.75 25.1 | 21.43 28 19.61 | |
#17140F | 23 20 15 | 37.5 34.78 9.02 | 37.5 21.05 7.45 | |
#AAA89C | 170 168 156 | 51.43 8.24 66.67 | 51.43 7.61 63.92 | |
#363940 | 54 57 64 | 222 15.63 25.1 | 222 8.47 23.14 |
- Title: Sicario
- Year: 2015
- Director: Denis Villeneuve
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Sicario.