Color Palette of Unbroken (2014), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#987B53 | 152 123 83 | 34.78 45.39 59.61 | 34.78 29.36 46.08 | |
#735742 | 115 87 66 | 25.71 42.61 45.1 | 25.71 27.07 35.49 | |
#452E20 | 69 46 32 | 22.7 53.62 27.06 | 22.7 36.63 19.8 | |
#B0AD9A | 176 173 154 | 51.82 12.5 69.02 | 51.82 12.22 64.71 | |
#706C53 | 112 108 83 | 51.72 25.89 43.92 | 51.72 14.87 38.24 | |
#242B24 | 36 43 36 | 120 16.28 16.86 | 120 8.86 15.49 | |
#748D89 | 116 141 137 | 170.4 17.73 55.29 | 170.4 9.88 50.39 | |
#53625F | 83 98 95 | 168 15.31 38.43 | 168 8.29 35.49 |
- Title: Unbroken
- Year: 2014
- Director: Angelina Jolie
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Unbroken.