Color Palette of Unbroken (2014), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#6C4D39 | 108 77 57 | 23.53 47.22 42.35 | 23.53 30.91 32.35 | |
#3E2C1E | 62 44 30 | 26.25 51.61 24.31 | 26.25 34.78 18.04 | |
#736B47 | 115 107 71 | 49.09 38.26 45.1 | 49.09 23.66 36.47 | |
#4F4625 | 79 70 37 | 47.14 53.16 30.98 | 47.14 36.21 22.75 | |
#7C866D | 124 134 109 | 84 18.66 52.55 | 84 10.29 47.65 | |
#9AA79D | 154 167 157 | 133.85 7.78 65.49 | 133.85 6.88 62.94 | |
#2F3A2C | 47 58 44 | 107.14 24.14 22.75 | 107.14 13.73 20 | |
#0F140E | 15 20 14 | 110 30 7.84 | 110 17.65 6.67 |
- Title: Unbroken
- Year: 2014
- Director: Angelina Jolie
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Unbroken.