Color Palette of Birdman (2014), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#312821 | 49 40 33 | 26.25 32.65 19.22 | 26.25 19.51 16.08 | |
#5A6B7B | 90 107 123 | 209.09 26.83 48.24 | 209.09 15.49 41.76 | |
#0A141D | 10 20 29 | 208.42 65.52 11.37 | 208.42 48.72 7.65 | |
#293E59 | 41 62 89 | 213.75 53.93 34.9 | 213.75 36.92 25.49 | |
#8694AF | 134 148 175 | 219.51 23.43 68.63 | 219.51 20.4 60.59 | |
#221E3F | 34 30 63 | 247.27 52.38 24.71 | 247.27 35.48 18.24 | |
#816C8B | 129 108 139 | 280.65 22.3 54.51 | 280.65 12.55 48.43 | |
#300E1F | 48 14 31 | 330 70.83 18.82 | 330 54.84 12.16 |
- Title: Birdman
- Year: 2014
- Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Birdman.