Color Palette of Lion (2016), filmed by Greig Fraser.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#6A5C5C | 106 92 92 | 0 13.21 41.57 | 0 7.07 38.82 | |
#5F6A70 | 95 106 112 | 201.18 15.18 43.92 | 201.18 8.21 40.59 | |
#43464B | 67 70 75 | 217.5 10.67 29.41 | 217.5 5.63 27.84 | |
#15161A | 21 22 26 | 228 19.23 10.2 | 228 10.64 9.22 | |
#50363F | 80 54 63 | 339.23 32.5 31.37 | 339.23 19.4 26.27 |
- Title: Lion
- Year: 2016
- Director: Garth Davis
- Cinematographer: Greig Fraser
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Lion.