Color Palette of Lion (2016), filmed by Greig Fraser.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#14191C | 20 25 28 | 202.5 28.57 10.98 | 202.5 16.67 9.41 | |
#576878 | 87 104 120 | 209.09 27.5 47.06 | 209.09 15.94 40.59 | |
#48474C | 72 71 76 | 252 6.58 29.8 | 252 3.4 28.82 | |
#768B9C | 118 139 156 | 206.84 24.36 61.18 | 206.84 16.1 53.73 | |
#7A7176 | 122 113 118 | 326.67 7.38 47.84 | 326.67 3.83 46.08 |
- Title: Lion
- Year: 2016
- Director: Garth Davis
- Cinematographer: Greig Fraser
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Lion.