Color Palette of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018).
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#1E1916 | 30 25 22 | 22.5 26.67 11.76 | 22.5 15.38 10.2 | |
#775647 | 119 86 71 | 18.75 40.34 46.67 | 18.75 25.26 37.25 | |
#967F6D | 150 127 109 | 26.34 27.33 58.82 | 26.34 16.33 50.78 | |
#542416 | 84 36 22 | 13.55 73.81 32.94 | 13.55 58.49 20.78 | |
#39351C | 57 53 28 | 51.72 50.88 22.35 | 51.72 34.12 16.67 | |
#CEA877 | 206 168 119 | 33.79 42.23 80.78 | 33.79 47.03 63.73 | |
#A78234 | 167 130 52 | 40.7 68.86 65.49 | 40.7 52.51 42.94 | |
#835B13 | 131 91 19 | 38.57 85.5 51.37 | 38.57 74.67 29.41 |
- Title: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
- Year: 2018
- Director: Bob PersichettiPeter RamseyRodney Rothman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.