Color Palette of Birdman (2014), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#341B14 | 52 27 20 | 13.13 61.54 20.39 | 13.13 44.44 14.12 | |
#543F2C | 84 63 44 | 28.5 47.62 32.94 | 28.5 31.25 25.1 | |
#635C42 | 99 92 66 | 47.27 33.33 38.82 | 47.27 20 32.35 | |
#292712 | 41 39 18 | 54.78 56.1 16.08 | 54.78 38.98 11.57 | |
#969984 | 150 153 132 | 68.57 13.73 60 | 68.57 9.33 55.88 | |
#6D7961 | 109 121 97 | 90 19.83 47.45 | 90 11.01 42.75 | |
#040500 | 4 5 0 | 72 100 1.96 | 72 100 0.98 | |
#3E5545 | 62 85 69 | 138.26 27.06 33.33 | 138.26 15.65 28.82 |
- Title: Birdman
- Year: 2014
- Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Birdman.