Color Palette of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018).
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#906761 | 144 103 97 | 7.66 32.64 56.47 | 7.66 19.5 47.25 | |
#B44B2B | 180 75 43 | 14.01 76.11 70.59 | 14.01 61.43 43.73 | |
#47342E | 71 52 46 | 14.4 35.21 27.84 | 14.4 21.37 22.94 | |
#531B1A | 83 27 26 | 1.05 68.67 32.55 | 1.05 52.29 21.37 | |
#66584B | 102 88 75 | 28.89 26.47 40 | 28.89 15.25 34.71 | |
#300E5A | 48 14 90 | 266.84 84.44 35.29 | 266.84 73.08 20.39 | |
#1E191D | 30 25 29 | 312 16.67 11.76 | 312 9.09 10.78 | |
#C64F62 | 198 79 98 | 350.42 60.1 77.65 | 350.42 51.07 54.31 |
- Title: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
- Year: 2018
- Director: Bob PersichettiPeter RamseyRodney Rothman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.